Shockwave (ESWT/EPAT) Therapy

Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology (EPAT®) is the most advanced and highly effective non-invasive treatment method cleared by the FDA. This proprietary technology is based on a unique set of pressure waves that stimulate the metabolism, enhance blood circulation and accelerate the healing process. Damaged tissue gradually regenerates and eventually heals. This non-invasive office/clinic based procedure represents a breakthrough treatment option for a broad range of musculoskeletal conditions.

What disorders can be treated?

Generally, acute or chronic musculoskeletal pain and/or pain that significantly impairs mobility or quality of life.

Areas include:

  • Foot and heel pain
  • Achilles pain
  • Tendon and/or tendon insertion pain
  • Neuromas
  • Trigger points

What are the possible side effects/complications?

The non-invasive EPAT® treatment has virtually no risks or side effects. In some cases, patients may experience some minor discomfort which may continue for a few days. It is normal to have some residual pain after intense exercise or a full day of work.

What are the expected results?

The beneficial effects of Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology (EPAT®) are often experienced after only 3 treatments. Some patients report immediate pain relief after the treatment, although it can take up to 4 weeks for pain relief to begin. The procedure eliminates pain and restores full mobility, thus improving your quality of life. Over 80% of patients treated report to be pain free and/or have significant pain reduction.

Is it safe?

Yes. This FDA cleared technology was developed in Europe and is currently used around the globe. A wealth of medical experience, state-of-the-art engineering, and optimal quality have been built into each EPAT® device; and extensive clinical studies and tests have confirmed its safety and efficacy.

If performed by a qualified caregiver, Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology (EPAT®) has virtually no risks or side effects.

What is the duration of the treatment and how many treatments will I need?

Treatment sessions take approximately 5-10 minutes depending on the disorder to be treated. Generally, 3 treatment sessions are necessary at weekly intervals. If performed by a qualified caregiver, Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology (EPAT®) has virtually no risks or side effects.

How is the treatment performed?

Coupling gel is applied to the specified treatment area to enhance effectiveness. After these preparations, EPAT® pressure waves are released via the applicator which is moved over the area in a circular motion.

Why consider non-invasive EPAT®?

EPAT® has a proven success rate that is equal to or greater than that of traditional treatment methods (including surgery) and without the risks, complications and lengthy recovery time. EPAT® is performed in your physician’s office/clinic, does not require anesthesia, requires a minimal amount of time, patients can immediately bear weight (i.e. walk), and return to normal activity within a few days of the procedure.


  • Non-invasive
  • No anesthesia
  • No risk of infection
  • No scarring
  • No downtime
  • Over 80% patient satisfaction
  • Faster, easier healing

Elective Payment and Insurance

Insurance typically does not cover the EPAT® procedure, however, the Elective Payment option allows you to have all the benefits of an EPAT® procedure at a very affordable price. Often there can be significant savings to you through the Elective Payment option as compared to paying deductibles, multiple co-pays, and other non-insurance covered surgery, post operative surgical care and  rehabilitation. This non-invasive option will be particularly appealing to those patients who are eager to return to work or normal activities in only a few days with just as good, if not better, clinical results compared to traditional treatment methods, including surgery.

How much does it cost?

For most patients, the Elective Payment out-of-pocket costs are much less than you would expect. Your physician can provide a personalized pricing program. Some patients can use their employer’s “Flexible Payment Medical Savings Account” to cover these out-of-pocket expenses with pre-tax dollars.

Shockwave EPAT Therapy is currently available at our East Office: 5301 E Grant Road. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please give us a call at (520)784-6200.